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Online (Zoom Webinar)

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Coca-Cola's "Share A Coke" campaign in 2011 is a very familiar and typical campaign in the Marketing world. This campaign created a huge trend wave and quickly spread in many countries around the world. Or recently, Baemin is running a campaign with the words "thank customers for accompanying Baemin for 1 year". 

Successful marketing campaigns are based on the principle of personalization. It can be seen that personalized marketing is a trend applied by many businesses to bring customers a more positive experience than anything else, helping businesses connect and take care of customers effectively. This helps communication campaigns achieve better results.


According to research provided by Harvard Business Review, if appropriate content personalization, businesses can increase 15% in Marketing efficiency and save 30% in budget. A report by State of Fashion also indicates that 70% consumers want personalization in their online shopping. According to Forbes, 80% users tend to buy from businesses that invest in building experiences. McKinsey It turns out that on average, brands that improve customer experience will increase revenue by 10-15% and reduce costs by 15-20%.

So how can businesses do it properly? How to measure the effectiveness of marketing personalization? How does personalized marketing affect user experience?

To learn all about how to personalize customer experience, come to the webinar: “PERSONALIZING THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, DRIVING DIFFERENTLY!” with participation from Omega Martech, TikTok, Provence and Moengage.

We will discuss:

Part 1:

  • Why does personalizing customer experience make a difference?
  • No customer is left behind! What are the upcoming plans?
  • Learn from success stories

Part 2:

  • Chat live with experts


✔︎ Format: Online (Zoom Webinar)

✔︎ Time: 14:00-15:30 | ⏰ May 25, 2022

✔︎ Register: https://forms.gle/Je8CzsQiYcTFfuUC9 

✔︎ For information about the program, please contact:

(+84) 0329-200983 or [email protected]