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[Webinar Martech Talk 13] Unlock mobile app growth: A comprehensive guide to SKAN, ASO & App Monetization

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In a mobile context that is redefining the way businesses operate, mobile application development is no longer an option but has become a necessity. In particular, the advent of SKAdNetwork and new changes in advertising on iOS have brought many challenges to developers, publishers and game studios/apps. As we enter 2024, we need to devise ways to access user data; shaping goals and effective ways and methods on advertising platforms; adapting to privacy changes in this era of digital marketing.

The data paint a challenging picture:

Impact of economic recession: Spending on app install ads, especially for non-game Android apps, took a significant hit in 2023, with a worrying decline of 10% compared to modest growth of 2% on iOS.

App download speeds slow down: App downloads increased by only 2% in 2023, in sharp contrast to the previous year's increase of 10%. Non-game Android apps had a steeper drop of 4%.

From iOS 14, Apple has applied the KAdNetwork or SKAN mechanism, which is a mechanism for measuring and identifying the origin of mobile application installations on iOS versions 14 and above. It allows mobile advertisers to evaluate the performance of their advertising campaigns by providing data on installs and in-app events while protecting user privacy. With SKAN, the biggest challenges advertisers face are:

  • Mobile advertisers will suffer from a lack of detailed data. With SKAdNetwork ID, they cannot collect personal data such as user or device ID. In addition, an SKAdNetwork switch value is only defined by 6bits – that is, only 64 values are allowed to signal the user's post-setting behavior.
  • Another challenge mobile advertisers face is random delays in install event reporting. This makes it difficult to track campaign performance in real time.

ASO is a very good source of Organic traffic for game/app businesses. However, ASO is not an easy problem. Because, the challenge in App Store optimization (ASO) is fierce competition on app stores. With millions of apps on the market, making an app stand out and attract users is a big challenge. Furthermore, app stores' ranking algorithms are constantly changing, requiring advertisers to monitor and adjust their ASO strategies on a regular basis. In addition, the lack of effective ASO measurement and analysis tools is also a major obstacle. Previously, advertisers had to rely on manual measurement methods, which were inaccurate and incomplete. 

Faced with the above market challenges. Omega Martech is pleased to introduce Webinar Martech Talk 13 – Unlock mobile app growth: A comprehensive guide to SKAN, ASO & App Monetization (Breakthrough growth on mobile app – A comprehensive guide to SKAN, ASO & effective ways to make money), accompanied by leading industry experts from:

  • Apptweak: Top 1 Intelligence & Marketing platform in the app store in the world
  • Airbridge: Comprehensive mobile Attribution & Measurement solutions 
  • Yandex Ads: one of the largest and most profitable advertising networks following the In App monetization model in Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. 

Experts will share at Webinar Martech talk 13: 

Ms. Devon Im – Global Business Development Lead, Airbridge
Mr. Michael Ajami – Vice President APAC, Apptweak
Mr. Nguyen Tran – Technical Account Manager, Yandex Ads

Content of Webinar Martech Talk 13:

  • Breakthrough in measuring advertising effectiveness in the SKAN 4.0 era
  • Integrating ASO & ASA: How to effectively optimize the App Store
  • Revealing effective ways to make money from Yandex Ads for Game and App developers

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