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6 minutes read
As a mobile measurement partner, Airbridge's primary role is to measure, distribute and analyze data, monitor...
15 minutes reading
The developed digital economy gives users many choices on different sales platforms. This...
KV Funnel (1600 x 900 px) (1)
12 minute read
In a world flooded with gaming apps, competing for users' attention is no...
Email MKT - Sand box (1)
16 min read
On January 4, 2024, Google announced plans to disable third-party cookies for 1% Chrome users as part of...
6 minutes read
Predict Lifetime (pLT): User life cycle prediction analysis is a key-metric for any app marketer in predicting...
4 minutes read
In today's business landscape, achieving higher conversions, customer loyalty, and brand advocacy is the ultimate goal. To achieve these objectives, mastering user engagement is key....