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Master your privacy in the digital age in 2024

2024 marks a major turning point in the advertising industry as businesses increasingly focus on protecting user privacy rather than collecting data. Google's discontinuation of support for third-party cookies has pushed advertisers to look for new, creative solutions to reach customers effectively and sustainably.

Faced with this context, marketers are actively looking for ways to improve the efficiency and measure the performance of marketing activities. An important goal is to accurately identify and quickly adapt to technological changes. 

Explore the changes expected in 2024 announced by Google and Apple, and equip yourself with effective strategies to overcome the upcoming challenges.

The Privacy Sandbox: Google Chrome removes third-party cookies

In 2020, Google marked an important step forward in the field of online privacy with the introduction of Privacy Sandbox for search sites, specifically on Chrome. This is intended to phase out third-party cookies and prioritize protecting user privacy. Google's goal is to provide companies and developers with the tools to build systems that protect user privacy. 

Following that, in 2022, Google expanded Privacy Sandbox to Android, revealing the new technology works without relying on cross-app identifiers, including advertising IDs. . 

The main mission of Privacy Sandbox is to promote the establishment of new privacy standards and develop technology that ensures the security of user information. By creating solutions that satisfy user needs without tracking individual identities. Privacy Sandbox enables publishers and app developers to provide free content and expand their businesses while protecting user privacy. This dual benefit allows users to enjoy enhanced privacy while keeping the advertising industry in business. 

The removal of third-party cookies and advertising IDs marks an important turning point for the advertising industry. To support developers and marketers in this transition, Google is offering multiple phases and beta programs throughout the engagement. Started by the Privacy Paradox project, Google disabled third-party cookies for 1% Chrome users globally on January 4, 2024. 

For more detailed information and updates on Privacy Paradox, the Chromium blog regularly posts progress information. Additionally, developer.chrome.com and developer.android.com provide comprehensive insights and updates on the latest developments.


  • Third-party cookies: are small pieces of data stored on the browser when a user visits a website. Third-party cookies are stored by a service that operates across different websites. They play an important role in collecting data about user activities on the web and advertising. Meanwhile, first-party cookies are stored by the website itself. 
  • Google Advertising ID (GAID): is a unique identifier that can be arbitrarily set by users to serve advertising activities. GAID plays an important role in identifying users across multiple applications or devices to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising.

Google Chrome testing third-party cookie blocking in Q1 2024

Google Chrome officially removes third-party cookies. During this transition, Chrome will begin a test phase, pausing the use of third-party cookies for 1% Chrome users globally in the first quarter of 2024. The goal of this test is to provide developers an environment to test and simulate removal of third-party cookies. Starting in Q3 2024, Chrome will gradually reduce support for third-party cookies. This step-by-step process allows developers enough time to prepare for third-party cookie removal according to Google's instructions. 

During this phase, developers and marketers can preview and evaluate how their website performs without third-party cookies, thereby gathering important information for tuning and optimization. . This careful and gradual process ensures a smooth transition, minimizing impact to your business's advertising effectiveness and user experience.

Prepare for the event Google removes GAID

GAID (Google Advertising ID) is an important code that helps track the effectiveness of mobile advertising. Like other privacy changes on Android, GAID will also be phased out as new technology emerges. Although Google has not yet announced the exact time, Google has started testing from February 2023. 

Discontinuing the use of GAID will greatly affect the effectiveness of mobile advertising measurement. Currently, advertisers rely on device IDs to evaluate their campaigns. Apple allows advertisers to use IDFA (Identity for Advertisers) if users agree, while Google will not provide GAID whether users allow data collection or not. 

However, Google's removal of GAID does not mean that it is no longer possible to measure advertising effectiveness. Instead, Google will provide data through 3 APIs to support marketing campaigns. To ensure operations remain stable, Google has partnered with advertising companies including Airbridge as an application measurement partner (APP). 

“Here are some of the core APIs that Google provides and supports marketing activities.”

SK AdNetwork and Privacy Manifest

Since updating iOS 14.5, Apple has applied the ATT policy. This policy completely changes the way mobile advertising is done. This policy requires user consent (opt-in) to collect IDFA upon app installation. With IDFA collection limited, Apple introduced SKAdNetwork (SKAN) – a new framework to measure the effectiveness of mobile app advertising campaigns while still ensuring user privacy. In 2022, Apple continues to update with version SKAN 4.0. 

At WWDC 2023, Apple introduced Privacy Manifest and Signatures for Software Development Kits (SDKs) that will be released in 2024. These This change further strengthens our commitment to user privacy. In response to SKAN and the important privacy updates that have been released, Airbridge has proactively provided advertisers with convenient features that align with these changes. Not just stopping at features, Airbridge is also committed to providing information and news to help advertisers adapt to environmental changes in a timely manner. 

What is SKAdNetwork (SKAN)? 

SKAdNetwork or SKAN is a framework for measuring mobile app installs and applies to iOS 14 and above operating systems. It enables mobile advertisers to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by providing data on app installs and in-app events, while protecting user privacy. Currently, SKAN 4.0 has been released and Apple continuously updates it to improve measurement features. 

Optimize SKAN campaign

As of 2023, Airbridge analysis shows that an average of only 30% iOS users globally have authorized IDFA (Advertising Identifier) collection. As a result, demand for SKAN campaigns is growing, with more than 54% Airbridge user application services running SKAN campaigns.

However, understanding SKAN can be challenging, especially compared to traditional attribution models like Last-touch Attribution (LTA). So, Airbridge supports advertisers with detailed explanation of SKAN and guidance on setting conversion value. In addition, Airbridge also introduced the “Attribution Overlap” feature to identify any overlap in SKAN measurement. This feature plays an important role in calibrating your Cost Per Install (CPI) and Cost Per Action (CPA) by incorporating non-overlapping SKAN events into your current mobile ad performance. Have. The result is a comprehensive view of ad performance, providing marketers with the insights needed to optimize their campaigns effectively.

New updates about privacy on the App Store

From the WWDC 2023 developer conference, Apple introduced new privacy requirements for software development kits (SDKs). Next, in December 2023, Apple will have more privacy updates for applications that want to appear on the App Store.

Accordingly, starting in 2024, if your new or updated app uses a popular SDK on the App Store, you will have to provide a "privacy declaration" - privacy manifest for that SDK.

A privacy declaration is a file that lists how personal information is handled by third-party code in an app, in a consistent format. This makes it easier for developers to understand how each SDK they use manages personal information. Additionally, the signature for the SDK is used to verify that the SDK is signed by the same developer when you upgrade to a new version of a third-party SDK in your app.

Because each app that integrates a third-party SDK is responsible for all code associated with that SDK, this update is intended to increase awareness of how third-party SDKs handle data.

Ensuring privacy without affecting marketing effectiveness

To lead the market, you need to understand the changes and proactively build appropriate strategies. This article shared the privacy trends expected in 2024. The next step is to find ways to accurately measure marketing effectiveness while protecting customer privacy, and Airbridge will help you do this.

Airbridge is a trusted partner, providing cutting-edge technology through close collaboration with advertising channels, helping marketers adapt to changes in Google Privacy Sandbox and SKAN. Airbridge also supports easy conversion value setup for SKAN 3.0 and SKAN 4.0. You can view Android and iOS data (including SKAN) in a single Airbridge report to increase your visibility into marketing performance.

Responding to information security trends, Airbridge proactively proposes innovative methods such as Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) to better measure marketing effectiveness.

As the privacy landscape evolves, Airbridge is committed to providing the fastest and most accurate marketing performance measurements. We are committed to providing continuous updates and information at an unprecedented rate. For marketers looking for solutions to ensure privacy without sacrificing performance, our team of marketing experts at Airbridge is here to help.

Please contact us via phone number: (+84) 904 106 143 (Ms. Hang Nguyen) to adapt to the constantly changing privacy landscape!